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المنصة الرقمية للفنون والعمارة الإسلامية

The role of visual elements in remembering the message in motion graphic ads “A case study of awareness advertisements about COVID-19 by Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population”

عرض سجل المادة البسيط Faten Ibrahim Awad Khamise 2023-05-04T06:51:03Z 2023-05-04T06:51:03Z 2023-03
dc.description.abstract The research analyzes the use of motion graphic art to raise awareness about the Covid 19 virus, which has engulfed the globe in a wave of attacks, necessitating the dedication of countries around the world to take the required steps to tackle the pandemic, including coordinating public awareness campaigns to inform society about prevention and response methods, as well as methods of dealing in the event of infection. The Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population has resorted to the use of motion graphic art - which is one of the modern arts - to raise awareness of the emerging Covid 19 disease in public awareness advertisements, as this art has many advantages that achieve popularity and acceptance among the masses as an advertising tool for public awareness. In this research a descriptive and analytical study of four advertising videos from the ads of the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population on the Ministry's official Facebook page, and the visual elements of shape, color, typography and movement were exposed, along with the sound element and the time period of the advertisement, then a questionnaire was used to classify the importance of each of these elements and which one is having a negative or positive effect on recognizing and remembering the advertising message? Then, through the statistical analysis, a set of results was reached regarding the preferences of the recipient audience and the extent to which each of these elements affects the remembering and acceptance of the advertising message, as we find that simple forms are realized faster, movement-which is the distinctive element of Motion Ads- had been preferred by the masses as simple movements, besides the voice, the greater percentage of the masses preferred that the advertisement be accompanied by a voiceover and not just music, and that the duration of the advertisement be as short as possible, which requires the advertising designer to take into account all the components of the presented advertising video in order to achieve the desired goal can reach the masses successfully. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.publisher مجلة العمارة والفنون والعلوم الإنسانية en_US
dc.title The role of visual elements in remembering the message in motion graphic ads “A case study of awareness advertisements about COVID-19 by Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population” en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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