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المنصة الرقمية للفنون والعمارة الإسلامية

The Philosophy of Nostalgia in Heritage Hotels Design: An Integrative Vision between Interior Design and Textile Printing Design

عرض سجل المادة البسيط Awad Mandour, Basant Nabil Zahra, Nehal 2022-08-13T12:44:15Z 2022-08-13T12:44:15Z 2022
dc.description.abstract Nostalgia is considered one of the most important concepts affecting the polarization of tourism, as it represents a strong motivation for the tourist to choose his/her travel destination in the first place, and to repeat his/her experience in the second place. The tourist seeks to temporary escape from the present reality to find a unique experience, and to relive it again and again. Egypt has an ancient civilization and a rich heritage that gives it a competitive advantage to create a Stimulating environment for tourists' nostalgic feelings. In this context, it is a must to design a style that confirms the Egyptian identity not only in the external architectural form, but also in the interior design components of touristic hotels and resorts to make a qualitative leap in the design of Egyptian Tourism establishments. The research problem depends on searching for novel solutions to revitalize the tourism sector in Egypt especially after the coronavirus pandemic that has caused tourism stagnation around the world. Here comes the essential designer's role to link civilization, heritage and the arts together for enhancing sustainable tourism development, so the designer links the legacy of the past with the requirements of the present. The research aims to establish a design vision for hotel rooms that endures an exact Egyptian heritage feature in details as a past duplicated. The research supposes that the integration between the interior design and textile printing design for coping the interiors and textile designs of ancient Egyptian ears and simulating the historical reality, will create a concrete experience makes tourists coexist with Egyptian heritage items, lefts a deep impression in themselves, evokes satisfaction and increases their attachment with the place. The researchers innovate a design idea for a hotel room based on simulating the reality of Egyptian heritage, concerning the philosophy of nostalgia as a partial perception of research idea. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher مجلة العمارة والفنون والعلوم الانسانية en_US
dc.subject Nostalgia en_US
dc.subject Sustainable Tourism Development en_US
dc.subject Egyptian Heritage,Textile Printing Design en_US
dc.subject Interior Design en_US
dc.title The Philosophy of Nostalgia in Heritage Hotels Design: An Integrative Vision between Interior Design and Textile Printing Design en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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