

Studying the effect of nitrogen content when Preparation (CMS PAAM –PMBA) graft copolymer using redox system


dc.contributor.author A. Kamel, Shaimaa
dc.contributor.author Allm, Amr
dc.date.accessioned 2021-06-14T12:47:03Z
dc.date.available 2021-06-14T12:47:03Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.uri https://isaa.aaciaegypt.com/xmlui/handle/123456789/1051
dc.description.abstract In order to create grafting polymer, at first, CMS was prepared with starch and chloroacetic acid in an alkali – methanol media, and Carboxymethyl starch (CMS) was prepared by different DS, then AAM was grafted on CMS by redox system using oxidant and reductant. For investigation of the effect of reaction variables on nitrogen content N%, the synthetic conditions were systematically optimized through studying the influential factors. Research background In order to study the nitrogen continent N% for a crosslinking polymer (CMS PAAM –PMBA) prepared by the redoxy system, Kjeldahl method was used Research objective Studying the effect of nitrogen content (N%) of (CMS PAAM –PMBA) which prepared by using the redoxy system Research importance Studying the nitrogen continent N% by to a Kjeldahl method of a grafting polymer by using 1- Different DS of CMS 2- Using redoxy system on CMS with AAM to make crosslinking substance Methodology Experimental analytical approach Research results The reactions of grafted copolymer variables that affect the nitrogen continent N% of the grafted polymer were studied. It is seen that with increasing the amount of CMS, the grafting decreasing, and that may have attributed to the increasing of the carboxy groups and hydrophilic group which the residue monomer concentration in the reaction mixture which leads to increasing of radical centers, causing high crosslinking points grafted polymer. The higher nitrogen content of CMS PAAM –PMBA graft copolymer, APS =0.08g, Sod thiosulfate =0.5g, MBA= 0.8 g, AAm = 5 g, water = 1 ml, H2SO4 = 3 ml, temp. (90oC) and Time = until reaction completes (1.50 min) en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher مجلة العمارة والفنون والعلوم الانسانية en_US
dc.subject Carboxymethylation en_US
dc.subject DS en_US
dc.subject CMS en_US
dc.subject grafting polymerization en_US
dc.subject redoxy system and nitrogen continent N% en_US
dc.title Studying the effect of nitrogen content when Preparation (CMS PAAM –PMBA) graft copolymer using redox system en_US
dc.type Article en_US


